Inspiring Her

Home Cleaning & Routine Tips I'm loving for Spring

Elise Ingegneri Season 3 Episode 2

Home Cleaning & Routine Tips I'm loving for Spring 

  1. Today I'm sharing my current FAVES when it comes to being a busy Mum, especially leading into Spring when you really feel the need to freshen up and get on top of everything.
  2. Morning Routine! Do an audit and change it if you're feeling overwhelmed. If what you're currently doing doest serve you, YOU are the only one who can level up and make it better. One of my GO TO morning routine steps is making the bed, opening the blinds and windows.
  3. Do 1 load of laundry every day. Choose 1 set of sheets, one set of towels, a white load, a black load or a colour load. This breaks it down and means you will get to the weekend feeling on top if it all rather than spending your whole Sunday doing laundry. Using Dryer balls is a game changer! Highly recommend you get some.
  4. Treat yourself to some LUXE cleaning products. whatever makes you feel liek teh scent is sending you to a luxury resort, day spac or expensive store. Buying new products that make you feel good will give you the motivation and inspiration you need to get cleaning.
  5. Lay out the clothes for the next day. This includes all the kids uniforms, clothes, your gym or work clothes. This helps you not have to think in the morning and allows the kids to be responsible for some of their own routine too.
  6. Having a wind down routine that looks after my future self. Set a 10 minute timer to clean up the kitchen, the heart of the home. In the morning you will come down to a fresh, clean kitchen, ready togo for the day.

Domenica Formulations Cleaning Products:

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Love and Light, Elise x

I am just feeling so inspired with this warmer weather to get in and clean my house right now. It has just been the inspiration, the motivation that I needed and I'm finding enjoyment in doing little things and little habits around my house. So I really wanted to share these with you because if you're listening in real time, it is going to be beginning of spring here in Australia this week and I hope that you are also feeling motivated and inspired to get in check with your home care and your house and your space and just invigorate it so that you feel really good coming into spring. So I wanted to share in this really quick episode today some of my current favorite cleaning products and home care tips that I have been loving lately that are just bringing me so much joy. Last week Adrienne was home sick from school for the whole week, which if you're a mum of young children, you know that that just totally throws out your routine. But what happened was at the moment I have three different school drop offs. So Zara and Adrienne go to different primary schools, which is our decision. And we knew that this year was going to be a trick. Bit tricky with that. And then Chloe goes to like a preschool which is obviously in a different location as well. So I have three different drop offs and pickups. So my morning routine has gone from last year when I had the two little kids in the same daycare and then Zara in primary school. It was like I could drop the kids at daycare early and then do her school drop off, but now it's like more staggered. The bells go at different times for the schools. And I realized last week, not having to drop Adrienne, how stressed I had become with my morning routines. So I took a step back and I thought about what is it this week? I actually was really enjoying my morning morning routines last week because I didn't have all the drop offs, I just had Zara and Chloe's drop off. So I took a moment and I stepped back and I thought, is it? It's because I have more time and I don't feel rushed like, I can sit and have my coffee for five minutes longer than I normally would, or I'm not, like, trying to keep on top of everybody else getting ready. So I was looking at my morning routine, and I thought, okay, I need to get this into check. And this week I've implemented again. And I can say that I feel so much better. So I wanted to share that with you. So, mornings, they really do set the tone for the whole day. You might realize that if you have a stressful morning, you feel like you're stressed all day. And I think this is really important, where having a morning routine is just going to change your whole day. So let's talk about it. First of all, making your bed, like, hands down, when I don't do this, and then I walk back into my room to get ready after everybody else is ready, I just feel stressed. So when I get home from the gym or a walk or whatever, normally Simon doesn't make the bed, which annoys me, but that's another story. And it's fine because he's got to rush off to work. I just go straight upstairs and I make the bed, open the blinds, open the windows. If it's not raining, that takes me literally, like two minutes. It doesn't take long at all, but it just sets the mood, makes me feel so much better. So, laundry is the next thing I wanted to touch on for a while. I had been leaving the laundry to the weekend, but what I was finding was I was spending a whole day doing washing, and it was just so overwhelming. So I'm back to doing one load of laundry every day. And basically, I'll choose to do a specific type of load. So I'll choose either to throw on one set of towels, to throw on one person's bed sheets, or I'll choose to do a black load, a white load, or a color load, depending on how much clothes are there. And what happens is, I try and throw this load of laundry on before I leave the house. So it's washed already, and if it's something that's going in the dryer, if it's a rainy day, I can then pop it into the dryer. I don't normally have time to hang it out before we leave, but at least it's done. And then here's a tip. If you have washed something and you don't have time to hang it out, make sure you set a timer or an alarm on your phone to hang it out when you know you gotta have a chance. Otherwise you're gonna come back tonight and be like, oh, I've left it sitting in the washing machine all day, and now I just have to wash it again. The next tip with the laundry is dryer balls. If you have not used dryer balls, you are missing out. I recently bought some dry balls from bunnings, guys from bunnings. I think it was like $8 for a set of six. They're made of wool, and you just chuck two into your dryer. So if you're drying your sheets in the dryer, which I generally do, unless it's a beautiful sunny day and my towels throw the dry balls in there, I swear they make everything dry so much faster. You can even drop some essential oils or some linen spray on the dry balls, and it just helps everything not get tangled. And it just works. Like, I can't even tell you. It's the biggest hack that is just so easy. So get yourself some dry balls. I'm pretty sure you could probably get them from Kmart, from target, from woolies, I don't know. But seriously, that is the biggest tip. Laundry is one of those daily tasks that really does get out of hand. Like, if you don't stay on top of it and try and do a load every day or every second day, it can really get overwhelming. So I'm really finding that breaking it down into smaller, manageable loads, just focusing on, like, what load am I doing today? Whose bed sheets am I doing today? Whose set of towels am I doing today? It really helps me avoid the stress of spending the entire Saturday or Sunday catching up on laundry. And another tip, the next tip I have with the laundry is get the family involved. So I've spoken to my friends about this before, and I'd be interested to know, like, do you fold all the clothes after they're dry, or do you just chuck them in a washing basket and let everyone search? Because I fold everything. I put all the things that need to be ironed aside, and then I fold everything, put them into piles, and I was then taking them up and putting everybody's washing away as well. But recently I started getting them involved, so I'm like, okay, guys, we're all gonna put away our laundry. And they actually really love it. Adrian comes down, he's like, mum, what's my next job? And yeah, it's fun. So start getting the kids involved if they're old enough to help. My next fave for cleaning is luxe cleaning products. I recently bought a set of cleaning products that are super luxurious. They are called Dominica formulations. It is from a girl I follow on TikTok and Instagram called Leah, and she created this brand. And, oh, my gosh, when I say it's luxury, it is so beautiful. Like, my whole house smells, like, just really luxe. You know, when you go into a store and they have that specific scent, or you go into, like, a really premium resort and they just have that beautiful scent, or a beautician, it's like that. And when I tell you that getting these cleaning products has just elevated my cleaning routines, it has, like, I am so excited to clean and use these products. I literally spent all of last week cleaning every single day when Adrienne was home sick. Because I don't know any other moms out there who feel like this when there's germs in my house. I am so much more motivated to clean because it's like I just want to do everything in my power to get rid of the germs before it passes on to the next child. So I was mopping the floors, I was scrubbing the kitchen. I was, like, steam cleaning the lounge. It was crazy. But having these new luxe cleaning products, and it's not for everyone. Like, they were expensive, and I lashed out to buy them because I love cleaning. But you can get other brands also, like the alive brands, alive body, even Ecostore from woolies. And then adding essential oils or, like, your own beautiful scents or room sprays is just so nice. So I think my tip here is to find some cleaning products that bring you joy. Like, the smell of them just makes you happy and use those, because I think as a woman, we love beautiful things. We love nice things. And then when you walk back into your house later and you've done a clean, you walk into your room, you walk into your bathroom, and it smells beautiful. It just lifts up your mood. Maybe pick some that you really love, treat yourself to some new ones, and guaranteed, your cleaning motivation will soar. Laying out the clothes for the next day. Now, this has been a huge thing in home care cleaning. Not cleaning, more like just routines. Morning routine for getting the family ready for the day, laying out the clothes. So I'll make sure that, you know how kids have different days for sport and whatnot. I will make sure that their clothes are hanging up on the cupboard or sitting on their shelf, wherever is easy to access for the morning. So when I'm down in the kitchen doing the lunch boxes and they're finished with their breakfast breakfast, I can say, okay, guys, time to go upstairs and get dressed and everything's there. They're not like, mom, where's this mum? Where's this mum wears this. It has also helped in a few situations where Zara has needed a specific top, like her year six shirt or whatever, for something the next day and it's been dirty and then I can quickly wash it before the next morning rather than me freaking out the next morning. I also love to lay out my gym clothes in the bathroom so that when I get up at 530, I'm just straight to the bathroom. I don't have to think about it, I just put them on. I generally just wear gym clothes in the morning, so I personally don't lay out my outfits. But if you're someone who's going to work and you need a nice outfit, then this might be helpful for you as well. I lay out Chloe's clothes on the end of her bed as well. Sometimes she gets dressed and she's all proud of herself. A lot of the time she needs me to help her. But I felt like laying out her clothes really helped with, you know, how kids of that age, like three year olds, they just get so passionate about what they're gonna wear. But I feel like laying out the clothes on her bed kind of got rid of the option and she sees it there and she knows it's part of the routine and it's just, okay, that's what I'm wearing today. And maybe it's also because the kids, the older kids have their uniforms there and they don't have a choice. It just really helped. Rather than us picking the clothes in the morning and her going, no, I don't want to wear that. No, I don't want to wear that. And I'm getting stressed, so I don't know, give that one a go as well, it might help you. And the last thing that I'm loving in my home care at the moment is just having a wind down routine, a night routine, having a simple little thing that helps me wake up in the morning to a more organized home. And it's all about the kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of the home. It's the first place you come to in the morning. So trust me, if you can just put on a ten minute timer and do a ten minute kitchen and reset before you sit down to watch the tv before you go off to bed, it is really going to help your future self. And you will be so grateful. I don't know about you, but coming down to a clean sink and clear countertops, it's just a nice way to start the day. So literally spend ten minutes making sure everything's put away and ready to go. If you're feeling super organized, you can even set out the breakfast bowls and plates and things ready to go in the morning, so it's almost like you're helping yourself out. But those are my little fave home care tips that I'm loving right now. I hope that they bring you some motivation and inspiration to get in there and set up more routines and get some cleaning. You know, get on top of the home chores as it comes into spring. Because who doesn't love having a fresh home coming into spring?

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