Inspiring Her

Seed Cycling with Mel Kovacevic to Regulate your Menstrual Cycle and Clear Hormonal Acne using The Seed Cycle

Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 23

What is Seed Cycling with Mel Kovacevic? Regulate your Menstrual Cycle and Clear Hormonal Acne with The Seed Cycle

In this chat, Elise and Mel talk through the benefits of seed cycling for womens hormone health. They talk about the nutritional value of seeds (specifically pumpkin, flax, sunflower and sesame) and how they help balance hormone production. Mel shares her go-to seed cycling recipe and emphasises the importance of using real food as medicine. They debunk the myth that flaxseed increases estrogen and highlight the intelligence of nature in supporting our bodies. 

Benefits of Seed Cycling are:

  • A holistic approach to hormone balance that can be used in conjunction with other treatments. 
  • Using seeds (natures goodness) to support hormonal health.
  • Ease PMS Symptoms, heavy periods and irregular cycles.
  • Positive impact on skin health, creating glowing skin.
  • Seeds contain nutrients like vitamin E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and magnesium.
  • The proteins used in seed cycling, such as hemp and Inca Inchi, are easy to digest and provide essential amino acids. 

The Seed Cycle Website:
Use Code 'ELISE15' for 15% off your first order

The Seed Cycle Instagram: @the_seed_cycle
The Seed Cycle Tik Tok: @theseedcycle

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Love and Light, Elise x

Elise: You are going to want to listen to this episode if you are struggling with hormone health or are interested in relieving those symptoms of horrible periods, irregular periods, hormonal acne or cystic acne, or just anything related with women's health symptoms to do with our menstrual cycle and hormones. Today I get to sit down and share with you a conversation that I had with Mel from the seed cycle. She's such wealth of knowledge. She is a functional nutritionist, eft practitioner and the owner of the seed cycle and she is just the best. We talk about how all the nutrients in seed cycling really are food as medicine, and they help support skin health and give you that glow. They help support menstrual health. And she shares with us some really cool stories of customers who have had such positive impact from seed cycling. We talk about how she has created products that also have protein in them, whole food forms of protein, and her journey to get here and how she found the specific whole food proteins that she was happy to use in her products, which I found super interesting because you all know I am on a journey to whole foods and trying not to have as much processed food as I can. A really interesting part of our conversation was talking about the integration of seed cycling has started to come into the beauty industry and even the medical industry. One thing I love about Mel is that she genuinely loves the products that she creates. And would you believe she actually creates them in her own kitchen. And it's trial and error for her and all her friends and family until she sends them to production. So that just gives you an insight into how much she genuinely loves seed cycling and what she's sharing with us. She has also generously shared a code so that if you are interested in seed cycling, you can get 15% off your first order. And it is ELISE15. ELISE15. And I will leave all the links in the show notes so you can go on over and have a look. And before we get into today's episode with Mel, our chat with Mel. I just wanted to give you a brief overview of what seed cycling is, because I'm not sure we went into the specifics of. Of this in the episode, because obviously I know what it is, she knows what it is, and we just jumped straight into all the goodness. So, for those of you who don't know, seed cycling is a way to naturally support your hormone health. So if you have a menstrual cycle, you can go by the different phases, whereas if you are in menopause, you can go on the lunar cycle. So the full moon to new moon type thing. But let's just say you have a cycle. Maybe it's irregular, you're wanting to make it more regular. Phase one is the follicular phase, and on average, this should last from day one to day 14. So day one being the first day of your period, day 14 being the middle where you ovulate. Phase two is then the luteal phase, day 15 to day 28. And that is an average cycle. Mine personally is a bit longer than that. So I just go off. I do track my cycle as well, which is really helpful if you do want to start seed cycling. But this is based on an average 28 day cycle. And if your cycle is irregular, you can go off the lunar cycles and stick to that and try and get your period back in the 28 day cycle. So Mel has all this information on her website, and the idea with seed cycling is that in the first phase, in the follicular phase, you're using flax seeds and pumpkin seeds to support the hormones that are needed in our body, optimally for that first phase of our cycle. And then in phase two, we're having sunflower and sesame seeds to support all the nutrients that we need and the hormone production that we need in that second phase. Obviously, Mel knows all of these things in minute detail, and she's such a wealth of knowledge, so keep on listening if you want to know more about the nutrients and the awesome benefits of the seeds. And as I said, make sure you jump on over and order, if you like, through the code so you get 15% off.

Elise: Hi, Mel. I am so happy to have you here on the podcast finally. It is just such a blessing to have you. How are you today?

Mel: Oh, I'm good, and thank you for having me. I'm so excited to chat with you today.

Elise: I really wanted to chat about the seed cycle and how easy it is to incorporate food as medicine into our lives, especially for women, and especially for women in this season of our lives, where it's a lot about hormones and hormone health. So I'm really excited. I'm really excited to get into it and break it down and simplify it for everyone.

Mel: Me too. Let's do it.

Elise: Let's do it. So, to begin with, I want to start with what is your go to seed cycling recipe that you use religiously to support your hormone health?

Mel: Well, it does change, but at the moment it's freezing in Canberra, although this sun is kind of out right now. So I've been making these, like, seed cycling plus protein bake. It's so yummy. So depending on whether. How much time I have, like, sometimes I'll pop it in the air fryer if I want it done quickly. If not, I'll pop it in the oven and I just use, like, the seed cycling protein mix and an egg milk, like, almond milk and a bit of baking powder. And then it just creates, like, this beautiful bake. And then I'll put. Sometimes I put, like, pistachios or macadamia nuts and, like, mash banana through it sometimes as well. Yeah. And it's just so nice and warm and nourishing and delicious.

Elise: That sounds amazing. How long do you have to cook it in the air fryer?

Mel: For, like, ten minutes in the air fryer and closer to, like, 20. And I like it gooey, too, so. But you can cook it for longer and that. It's almost like a cake then I need to put it on the website because I keep telling everyone about it.

Elise: Put it on the website. So it's kind of like a brownie, it sounds like.

Mel: Yeah, it's kind of like. It's like an oat. You know how they do the baked oats? Yes. Yeah, it's like that.

Elise: You could have it for breakfast.

Mel: Yeah. And you could put oats in it as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Elise: I literally have with me today. This is my go to. I have my seed cycle. I'm in phase one and I just mix it with coconut water and I have that every day. Like, in the afternoon when I'm sitting doing work or admin or whatever. It just gives me a boost. That's my favorite.

Mel: And I love that you use phase two with coffee as well. I've done your recipe a few times. I'm like, coffee milk, phase two seed cycling for young.

Elise: I just love the taste of coffee. Like, I'll even use decaf in there because I don't want to have all that boost of caffeine in the afternoon. But, yes, I love the seed cycle and I love how versatile it is. So can you explain to us then how seed cycling and the nutritional value of the seeds really helps our bodies and helps us balance the hormone production?

Mel: Yeah. So they're really like, I know they're small, but they're mighty. So these four key seeds that we use as the protocol, the practice of seed cycling. So pumpkin and flax seeds, sesame and sunflower are like nature's multivitamin. The phase one seeds have your recommended daily dose of omega three zinc magnesium lignans, which are a form of phytoestrogen, and then phase two, vitamin e. And this is why I think women say, like, within that first month, my skin feels really bright. Selenium malignant in there. And then, like, the fibers as well. So the fibers are really helping with that elimination of those, that excess estrogen and progesterone. So when we're looking at, I guess, hormone imbalances, what we're seeing and then leading to those symptoms, like the PM's, the irregular cycles, the hormonal acne breakouts are painful periods and then menopause symptoms as well, we can see that there's an imbalance in estrogen and progesterone, and it's different for everyone. But a lot of what our practitioners are telling us is when they're looking at bloods and test, functional testing, that for a lot of women, estrogen's through the roof. And then when, and then that's having that flow on effect, and then we're not producing enough progesterone. So this is where the seeds are just so beneficial in terms of helping the body modulate those hormones, eliminating that excess estrogen in that first half and then helping your body make enough progesterone in that second half.

Elise: Yeah, I find that so interesting. And when I personally looked into it, the elimination part of it was something that I hadn't considered, because what's really interesting, and I don't know if you can build on this, is that if you don't eliminate estrogen, it just kind of hangs around. So you do need to focus it on that toxin release and helping your body move it through.

Mel: Yeah. And it does. And it, and it also flows onto that progesterone production. And so setting yourself up to have a healthy, healthy progesterone in the first phase then sets you up for healthy progesterone in the second phase. And that's what, like, for me, I found, like, I, my symptoms were always at the hormonal migraines and, like, the mood, like where before my period, I was so irritable so moody. I used to say to my husband, like, for the next week, I just need to be locked in a padded room so I don't hurt anyone. I was just so, and I just couldn't. I felt like I had no control over it. And then what I found out was that my body was, I had too much introvert and my body wasn't producing enough progesterone. And, you know, seed cycling is, it's not a quick fix and it takes consistency, and it took months of consistent seed cycling, but within and every month, it's like the symptoms got a little bit better, a little bit better, and to the point where now I'll rarely have a hormonal migraine and I can feel that mood shift, but not to the point where it used to be. And definitely, I don't feel that, like, strong irritation. And really, like, our, our periods are like our monthly report card, so I can see that month if I have taken on too much. I haven't been consistent with my seeds. I haven't been doing the things that I need to do shows than in the symptoms.

Elise: You probably follow her as well. Nat King Grudis yeah, she's great. And I love how she shares. Her daughter is, you know, starting to get, I think she's starting to get her periods, I can't remember, but she shares that really openly on her socials. And she'll say, you know, if she's got a painful period, she'll say to her daughter, well, you did eat a lot of lollies this month, didn't you? You know, and she's like, oh, yeah. So I love how you say that. It's like a monthly report card, and maybe we can just take those opportunities to reflect. Okay, well, last month, what did I do? And that probably did affect now the symptoms that I'm having. And the seed cycling is, as you say, it takes a while. Personally, I looked into it because of my skin situation, and it did take probably three months before it started to take impact. But then I actually started to see the benefits on my cycle as well, honestly. And there's been times where I've stopped taking it because I've forgotten, gotten out of the habit, and then everything's kind of come back, and then it takes another month or so to get back on track. But I can handle my heart, say that it works from my personal experience, but it is a habit that you have to keep up with and put as a priority.

Mel: Yeah. Oh, absolutely. And this is where, like, the business really came from. Like, I was teaching clients how to seed cycle, and I'd say, go buy these seeds and got to grind them up so your body can absorb the nutrients. Like, we want that shell broken, particularly like flaxseed and sesame seeds. Otherwise it's going to go straight through you. We're not getting any of the nutrients and take it each day. And that block of, like I keep every time in the supermarket, I can't find certified organic. I keep forgetting I don't have a coffee grinder. I keep forgetting the dosages. So I was like, well, I'll just make it for you. So, like, my goal is to make it as easy as possible. But then, yes, you still have to take it each day, I think, once you get into the habit and, like, because it's so yummy, like people say to me all the time, like, I have a cupboard full of supplements that are just gathering dust. But seed cycling has been so easy to keep doing, because you do. If you add the seeds into your morning smoothly or on top of your salad, because of those beautiful fatty acids as well, it keeps you fuller. And then you start noticing, like, oh, my skin feels brighter, I'm having less breakouts, my digestion feels better, I'm less bloated. And then those hormone modulation symptoms start to reduce and go away. And then it's just like, yeah, once you kind of see those benefits, then it's easier to as well, like, stick to it. But there are times, too, where, yeah, you know, I'll miss a couple of days and then get back on track. It's. Yeah, it's a forgiving practice, too.

Elise: But once you start, you won't go back, or you might forget, and then you come back, and then you won't go back. So you mentioned flaxseed in there. I have a question for you about flaxseed. I get asked quite a lot on. People will message me, asking me, or they've come across information that said that flaxseed can actually increase estrogen. So if you're someone who's estrogen dominant, then flaxseed is not a good thing. But can you clear this up for us and tell us from, you know, your research and your knowledge about flaxseeds?

Mel: Yes. This is based on a study that was done a while ago, and this has been disproven, and we can share this research in the links, but flaxseeds have phytoestrogens, which are a form of lignans, and they work very intelligently on a cellular level. So we have estrogen receptor cells all over our bodies and when we are having that lignin or that, or that phytoestrogen, it acts like a plug and it plugs into that estrogen receptor and tells that receptor what to do. So for you it might be block that production of estrogen and for others it might be produce more. And so it works as a hormone, as an estrogen modulation. Not, it doesn't just, and it doesn't make sense that, yeah, I can add more estrogen. So, yeah, that's been disproven and we get that sometimes as well. But when you are working with naturopaths and nutritionists, they're all over this new research and they'll debunk that for you as well. So cool.

Elise: Thank you. But how awesome is that? That is literally the explanation of food as medicine. It's attaching to the estrogen cells and it's just helping them kind of think more clearly.

Mel: Yeah, isn't it? Yeah, I think we just, and hormones are complex, don't get me wrong, and nature is complex, but, you know, I'm just such a strong believer in our body's innate intelligence and nature and this is where, you know, again, back to that, like people will say, oh my gosh, I've tried everything and, you know, all the different things and I've been on the pill and I've been used the seed cycle, that missing puzzle piece for me, like, and it's just seeds, it's so simple. I've got them in my penetrate already. And, you know, sometimes we forget like how intelligent nature is and our bodies and, yeah, I just, that's, that's one part of seed cycling that I just love is like connecting us back to real food. This isn't untrue. It's just a little bit frustrating how taken out of context in terms of like our soil is so depleted and so our food doesn't have the nutrients it needs, needs to anymore. And, you know, and it's almost used as an excuse not to cook for ourselves, ourselves and use food as medicine, but like we test the nutrients in our seeds and they are high and yes, we use certified organic, which is really important to me. But, you know, I do believe that health, you know, we can heal ourselves and health begins in our kitchen and sourcing really good quality real food from nature. Making food from scratch. Yep.

Elise: The option is there. I think there's definitely starting to be a move back to the basics, back to this whole food trend. Even I've seen, like, I'm really passionate about not taking protein powders, and it's not the protein. And that's why I love the seed cycle protein, which we're going to talk about a little bit later, but it's more so all the additives that are added to it that's affecting our gut health and everything. But I've seen a lot across socials lately, this trend of people getting on that and saying, like, you've got the food available to you, you've got the eggs, you've got the meat, you've got the dairy products, all the beautiful protein sources. Why don't you just eat those?

Mel: Yeah, absolutely. I'm very much about, like, like, I don't want to mess with nature. Like, I tell this story all the time, but we had it by a chemist come to us and say we want to create supplements out of the seed cycle. So we're going to, like, and we're going to extract the oils and the nutrients and like, recreate it. So then, you know, so then people can just take, take a supplement and like, my whole body was like, no, I'm not smarter than nature and I'm not going to recreate something that's already perfect as it is. And so, like, all I'm, I'm just, I'm a purist. I believe that we shouldn't, we should, shouldn't mess with our food. And so this is where, like, when I'm looking at, like, ingredients for my products and like, the protein in particular, it's like, I don't want to just know about, like, the ingredients. I want to know how that ingredient came to be before I put it into my protein. So, you know, I went down this whole big route of like, looking at like different sweeteners and like, monk fruit. And I'm like, well, what is this made of? And, you know, oh, wait, hold on. There's a solvent process that goes in before it gets to this point. I'm not interested in that, like, protein powders, like, I'm not interested in like an isolate, really. Like, I, the proteins that I decided to use are the hemp and inkienchi and they're plant based. And all that it's done is those seeds of the hemp. And in Kienchi, plant a ground up and then they put in my protein. And the same with, I'm such a big fan of natural sugars. So, you know, honey, dates, banana rapidura sugar, which is an unrefined sugar that comes from the cane sugar plant. That all is done is it's evaporated. There's no heavy processing that goes into it. Our bodies recognize it, and it still has nutrients in it, like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and, you know, it's back to, like, you can't. You can't trick nature. You kind of recreate something that's zero calories. Yeah. So passionate about that.

Elise: I heard something really cool about the calories recently was that if you eat the whole food, by the time you digest it, you haven't consumed, like, the amount of calories that is said by that, which, by the way, is such an old school system, the whole calorie counting system. But because it's a whole food and your body's digesting it, your body's doing all these processes that it's innately meant to do. But if you were to consume something of the same calorie amount that was already processed, your body then consumes all the calories because your body doesn't have to go through the digestive system and work hard to actually break down those foods. So I think it's just such a system that I wish would be really looked at and remodeled so that we understand that it's not all about the calories. It's about the whole food that you consume in the first place.

Mel: Yeah, I remember when Doctor Livy Weaver released the book the Calorie fallacy, and I was like, oh, gosh, like, we're finally hearing it. You know, we're hearing the truth around, like, you know, there's a 20% margin for error, you know, with the history of where it came from, and she kind of debunked it. But then, like, it just, especially on socials and, like, the famous industry, you know, the deficits and that drinking, it's like, I still see it everywhere, and it's, you know, I understand that it might work for some for short periods of time, but I know just for myself, it just led me to a really disordered relationship with food and my body.

Elise: I think it. It's so overwhelming. It's really hard when you are in the health and wellness industry or you're just interested in it. It's something that you're passionate about. And there's just so many people. There's such an influx of information, and, you know, some people are really passionate about what they know and what they're teaching, and then you do. You get really absorbed into it, and you think, oh, I have to do what they're doing. But I think, like, on that note, for anyone listening, like, you really just have to listen to your heart and go with what feels right to you and what your body shows you is right. Like, if you're having, in terms of hormones and women, if you're having all of these symptoms that we briefly spoke about before, if you're having horrible periods, heavy periods, you know, mood problems, acne, skin, you know, that is your body screaming at you, saying, I just want you to be a bit more gentle, be a bit more whole, and, like, really treat me, like, with nutrition and nourishment.

Mel: Yeah. And I think what's happened is that we were told, you know, periods are a curse. It's just part of being a woman, you know, the suck it up mentality. And so, so many of us, like, I didn't even think about my migraines. I just thought it was part of it, you know, I just have to suffer. But really, these symptoms are common, but they're not normal. And like you said, they're a sign that there's something going on. And so I'm really excited to share that and share that. Like, you don't have to just suck it up. And honestly, like, when you look at the long term consequences or side effects of having a hormone imbalance, they're really serious conditions. You know, we're talking about cancer, we're talking about immune autoimmune conditions. We're talking about menopause conditions, sleep apnea, you know, so it pays to sort it out now for the. Your long term health, for longevity and also, like, just quality of life. Like, if you're having to take painkillers every month to get through, like, we deserve better than that.

Elise: Yeah, absolutely. But it's just become the norm. On the topic of feeling good, how is the business going? Like, what are some amazing stories that you can share with us of customers that have come back to you with really positive results?

Mel: Oh, gosh. It's actually hard to talk about. I get emotional because it's just like, we get. I get so many DM's and calls and, you know, I'll get positive pregnancy tests sent to me, I'll get ultrasound photos, and people say things like, I'm pregnant. It was a seeds. Just stories of coming off the pill as well and, you know, being so scared of. Of getting off, but knowing it doesn't really align anymore and worrying about the hormone or acne coming back or the painful periods and then coming off and having a smooth transition that periods coming back. And, you know, someone said to me, I feel like I can see in color again. I was living in black and white while I was on the pill. I didn't know. So, yeah, just. It's incredible. I don't. I need to share them more, but some are just so personal that I feel like it's between me and that person that, I don't know, I've never met, but I appreciate the messages. And, you know, just even at an expo the other day, someone came up to me. She's like, I'm pregnant. And she was heavily pregnant. She was like, remember how, like, eight months ago I spoke to you about. I was having trouble consuming and then a couple, like, I think I see something for a month and I fell pregnant and I was like, oh, yeah, it's incredible. And, like, in terms of the, like, supporting fertility. And it's interesting because, like, one of my first clients that I got seed cycling fell pregnant. And at the time, I remember she said, I think it was a seeds. Like, that's the only thing that I've done different. And I was like, oh, maybe, but, like, it's cool. Whereas now we know that when. Well, now that I know how seed cycling works, when you're supporting a regular menstrual cycle, when you're supporting a healthy ovulation, healthy estrogen, progesterone levels, you're setting yourself up, up for success in terms of fertility and fertility. I understand that it's so complex and I would never want someone to put off going to see a specialist or a doctor and say, I'm going to try seed cycling. No, you go see your specialist and your doctor and you do seed cycling as well, because it's never just one thing. It just seems like seed cycling is that missing puzzle piece for so many women who are already doing the things we're speaking about, eating whole foods, supporting their nervous system, getting out in nature, listening to their body's innate intelligence, and then we add seed cycling in on top of that and it's just like everything comes together.

Elise: Yeah. And it's a flow on effect, isn't it? Because I think if you're interested in seed cycling, if it's something that's popped up for you, then obviously you've already started the journey of going down that path of, how can I change my health and wellness naturally? And. Yeah, so I think you're right. It's a holistic point of focusing on every aspect of your life. How can you do a big, like, kind of level up and elevate your health and wellness to get the goals that you're after? Like, is it glowing skin? Is it getting your periods back? Is it falling pregnant? Is it, you know, dealing with pcos or weight gain or perimenopause, whatever it is, like, just looking at your life holistically and where can you make the changes?

Mel: Yeah, and this is where, like, we, with women and our hormones, like, this is where we start. Like, when I first started seeing clients one on one, and I thought I had this holistic approach and, like, I was really into gut health because that was really trendy and, like, microbiome and fermented foods and, like, I'm an EFT practitioner, so I was doing efT. So, like, yeah, we've got nervous system covered, but I was totally missing hormones. And I knew because my clients weren't reaching, we weren't getting to the goal. I guess my standards for my clients were really high too. You know, I didn't want them just, like, eating food or, you know, losing a bit of weight. I wanted them, like, thriving, feeling like their best selves if you wanted, you know, so much for them. And I'm like, we're not. We're not getting there. And I could tell with, like, there was a commonality with all my female clients and their symptoms, and that was hormones. And. And at the time, like, hormones weren't sexy to me. I was not. Like, I didn't know much about it. And I remember thinking, there's got to be some foods we can add in to support their hormones. And if we don't get to the underlying, underlying root cause of that hormone imbalance, it's like pushing **** uphill. Like, we're not gonna get to the goal. The weight isn't gonna come off, the symptoms aren't gonna reduce. And, yeah, that's where I found seed cycling as I was doing that research. And it's used by some of the world's leading hormone experts. Yeah, like, Matt love it. Like, Elisa Viti talks about it in her book. Like, doctor Jolene Brighton, Doctor Mark Hyman talks about it. So, you know, they were more ticks for me, too, of like, oh, my gosh, all these experts are prescribing it to their patients. And you were talking. You asked me the question about the business and the wins that we're seeing. One of the hugest wins that I've had this week is we've just brought on another GP clinic that we're training. So that's one three now. So gps are interested too, because of the research on seed cycling and pcos, and they're coming to us. Like, can you train us? We want to know how to. How we can share this with our patients. So, you know, I'm so excited for what's to come. And, you know, the incredible open minded gps and practitioners who are wanting to support women holistically and see the value of food as medicine.

Elise: That is so cool. I got goosebumps hearing that because that is where the change starts. Like, if we can take it into a. Into the medical field, then that's really cool. And you are. And you do start to get some doctors these days. Like, I'm like, I've moved in the last few years to a new area and I feel like I've been doctor shopping because I, like, I'll go somewhere and they'll just tell me, you know, to go on this medication or that, and I won't sit with it. I'm like, no, there has to be another way. You know, so I love that. That's just the best that they're coming to. You saying we want to give and, like, like, it's cheaper than medicine too. Do you know what I mean? Like, really, why are you going to go and pay that much for a pill that's just going to cause you more pro. Obviously there is a space for medication, don't get me wrong, but you know what I'm saying? Like, that is really cool. Congratulations. How exciting.

Mel: Oh, it's so exciting.

Elise: Can we chat about skin health? Because there's so many of my listeners who always ask about skin health. You mentioned before that one of the biggest nutrients in the seeds that helps us have that glowing skin is the vitamin e. But what else do you think creates that glow in the seed cycle?

Mel: Oh, definitely the fibers, when you think, and, like, you were talking about that, like, the detox and the fibers are helping with that. The amigas, the zinc, the magnesium, probably more than we'll ever even understand, but undoubtedly, that's the thing that I noticed most when I started this, because I saw seed cycling work on a small scale with my clients, but I, on a large scale with the seed cycle, that's what women say. Within the first month, they notice my skin feels so much more glowy, I'm having less breakouts. And that's really now what we talk about is, like, one of the first things that you'll notice, and that's so exciting. And this is where we went to the beauty, the beauty expo last year in Sydney. And it was so overwhelming. We were just, like, welcomed with open arms. And the only reason I went there was because I did an expo previously and there was like, so many men at this expo, like, what's an expert I can do where there'll be lots of women. Yeah. And we're doing it again this year. And like those owners of clinics, from skin clinics to laser clinics to injectable clinics to Ecospas, they're all saying the same thing. Like, we want to offer a holistic approach. And so many of our clients are struggling with hormonal, adult onset acne, pigmentation, rosacea, and we know that it's a hormone imbalance. And so, you know, then when we explain how seed cycling works, they're just like, oh, my gosh, it's a perfect fit. And now we're in skin clinics all across Australia and it's just. And it works so well in combination with the treatments that they're offering. And so that's just so exciting. And I can't wait to see what else happens in terms of, like, the beauty industry and those amazing business owners who are looking to care for their.

Elise: Clients holistically, like, from the inside out. You can't expect your skin to be beautifully glowing if all you're doing is doing the topical treatments, but then you're eating ****. Like, you're not going to get anywhere.

Mel: Yeah. And when you think about it, they're spending an hour or so, you know, talking to those clients, so they're hearing about everything and they're hearing about the symptoms. And that was quite intense as well. Just how many women were saying that their clients and the community are struggling with hormone issues from, like, yeah, the acne to the perimenopause symptoms to PM's and then to conditions like PCOS and Endo. And the stats are now 90% of women struggle with a hormone imbalance.

Elise: Well, I'm so thankful for you and your interest in it because otherwise I probably would have still been here in the kitchen trying to grind it up and getting really frustrated. I had, like, my mortar and pestle out because I was like, oh, my blend is not getting it fine enough.

Mel: They say you have to grind it. They say I need the therapy dose, but how do I make this happen?

Elise: How do I do it? So you also briefly touched on before, the proteins that you have in the seed cycle. Protein. Can you just talk to us a little bit more about that? Because I'm personally interested in protein at the moment and trying to focus on consuming more protein, but from that whole food source. So how did you come across that it was the hemp and the inca inchi, did you say?

Mel: Yeah, Inca inchi, I came across Inca Inchi through syndiomyra and changing habits. So we, Cindy's our teacher, and she brought Inca inchi to us and explained how it's a natural source and it's got the amino acids in there and then so many other vitamins and nutrients. The only thing is it doesn't taste very good.

Elise: So you had it on its own. I'd love to try it on its own.

Mel: Oh, it's terrible.

Elise: Is it?

Mel: Yep. It's not nice. And a few people actually said to me, you have tried in King ji. I was so scared to try your protein because I know it's like. But I was like, oh, my gosh, if there's a way I can use this, because I know it's so valuable and such a good, clean source of nutrition. And it's really easy to digest as well. It's really good for food sensitivity, sensitivities. And the other protein that I've always been interested in, really, over the last couple years is hemp protein from hemp seeds. And hemp has a full amino acid profile as well. And again, it's really easy to digest and a great source of protein for us. And so I was like, well, what if I combine them? So it took me forever to work out the formula, and my poor family, like, they're, like, traumatized by trying out smoothies because I was like, what about this one? What about this one? And, and because the seeds as well, like, you know, flaxseed and pumpkin seed do have a distinct taste, and seeds also float to the bottom. So it was getting. Grinding it up enough where, you know, it was, it wasn't going to. We go through a cold milling process, so I don't want any heat to it.

Elise: Yeah.

Mel: So I was like, we don't want to grind it too much where it's heating the seeds and losing nutrients. So, yeah, it took ages, but I got the formula right, and it tastes really yummy. It doesn't dissolve like, you know, a highly processed protein powder would. And as you would may kind of have to keep mixing it because some of the seeds do still settle at the bottom, but it does have that nice crunch to it. I also last minute added camu camu onto it, into it, and camu camus and a really potent source of vitamin. And particularly in the first half of our cycle and with so many women struggling with iron, pumpkin seeds are a great source of iron, and then we're adding the vitamin C in, which helps the iron absorb. So I'm. Yeah, I'm just so happy with the formula. There's also phase one has raw cacao in it, which is the best plant based source of magnesium. And then, so phase two, it's a chocolate, I call it chocolate flow, and it's a chocolate flavor. And then phase. Sorry, phase one. And then phase two, I wanted to make it a vanilla flavor, but I could not find a clean source of vanilla. It was, yeah, there was always something else added to it, and I just wasn't happy. So I was like, well, why don't I use spices? So I use cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom. So I've called that cinnamon spice radiance and kind of like, tastes like a chai flavor as well.

Elise: That's my favorite one. And I actually love that it's a little like that it doesn't dissolve and it's a bit of a crunch, and you just put it with coconut water or milk or whatever. And, and as you suck it up the straw, it's like, got a bit of a crunch to it. But then if you don't like that, you can just blitz it in your blender and it goes, like, even smoother. So it's just like, whatever you feel, it works.

Mel: And you can use it to make, like, protein balls or like, the bake that I make, or you can mix it into yogurt. But the other thing that I had an issue with, besides from, like, all the protein powders on the market will have some sort of, like, emulsifier or natural flavor or gum or, like, you know, the other thing was like, the protein powders are made for men. Like, they've got a huge amount of protein in it that is too much for us, it's too much for our kidneys, it's too much for our livers. And, like, plus, they probably have to put that much because our body, particularly with some of the poorer quality proteins, like, your body can't actually access that protein. So I wanted to really focus on making the proteins for women. And yes, men can have it, too. Like, they probably just want to have three scoops instead of two. Because I keep getting asked that. I'm like, when are you going to make a product for men? I'm like, oh, gosh, I'm struggling to, to help women.

Elise: I know men have got enough resources. Let's just focus on the women. Yeah, I would love to know. It's a whole nother podcast, but I just think you're incredible. All of this testing, all of these samples, just the processes of everything. Like, was it daunting oh, no, it's.

Mel: Just me in my kitchen. I do it all myself, so. But still, I love it.

Elise: Amazing.

Mel: I'm in my element. It's like my favorite thing to do. But I do have a lot of people in the industry being like, oh, what food scientists did you use? Like, I didn't use a best food scientist. Like, it's just me. Like, I know. Yeah. And we do, like, we have labs, so we go, we do third party testing, and I just love that we can do that. So we test all our seeds for heavy metal, heavy metals, mold, racidity, our sunflower, sesame seeds. We test for salmonella now because salmonella was put on the medium risk on the government health website. So, you know, I would never want someone to stop seed cycling during pregnancy because it's such a good nutrient source, but I can understand that. Yeah, that risk for salmonella that was put on. So, like, there's a lot of testing that we do send away and pay for, but, you know, that's, that's part of it. You know, that's part of being able to do this for people and offer, like, a really good quality product.

Elise: And you can tell that it's genuine and it works and you're doing everything from scratch. Like, you're in it. You know, you are seeing how it works. And that's what's really beautiful because, yeah, no one's changing your decisions. Like you said, you've had people come to you and you've said, no, that doesn't align with me. That's not the values of this brand and this product. And I love that. That's just so cool.

Mel: Do you know the story of the bake mixers?

Elise: No, tell me.

Mel: So the bake mixes. So my sister in law had just gone off the pill. Her skin was, like, really broken out and her period hadn't returned. And I was like, you need to see it cycle. It's going to help so much because she was trying all these supplements and nothing was working, and she was really upset about her skin. And so she was like, well, what do I have to do? And I was like, okay, see full seeds. Like, you know, I'll buy them for you. You've got to grind them up. And she was being so fussy, and she was like, well, I don't like smoothies, and I don't really eat salad and I don't eat yogurt, so I don't know how I'm going to have the seeds. And I was like, well, what if I make you, like, a healthy brownie. And I'll hide it. The seeds in there, like I do with my kids food. And she was like, yeah. So I spent, like, a couple months making up these biscuits and brownies. Brownies for the first phase with the flaxseed and the pumpkin sesame seed and sunflower for the second phase, and I was. I worked it out so she would still get the therapeutic dose.

Elise: Yeah.

Mel: And it worked. And within a couple of months, her skin cleared up, her period returned. And then when we started the business, I said to my husband, oh, my gosh, there's biscuits and brownies I used to make your sister. They're a product. Yes. That's.

Elise: How cool is that? I want to try those, actually, because I haven't tried those, but I'm, like, the person that loves to have a sweet treat. Like, when I'm sitting down on the lounge at night, and I think that would be perfect. Perfect.

Mel: It's perfect. And then when you go away, I find seed cycling with the biscuits and brownies are perfect. Like, we went to Hamilton over January, and I had my biscuits with me, and so then I would have, like, in the afternoon, I'd have a tea and the biscuits, and it was just, like, so nice. My almonds thanked me for it that.

Elise: Month, actually, I was gonna say I was committed. I took my, like, actual seeds with me when I went to Hamilton.

Mel: Like, you're the best. Yeah, the biggest.

Elise: I'm, like, dipping it on all my meals, taking it with me. It's so funny. If women are listening and they're just feeling really defeated in their hormone health, what would you say your top three changes that they could start implementing today.

Mel: To help add seed cycling in? It's so. It's easy, and it's a no brainer, especially now with all the research. This is a big one, but I see it make a huge difference, and that's your environment, because there's environment, there's endocrine disrupting chemicals, edcs, that really are messing up our estrogen levels, and that hasn't that flow on effect. So, you know, start small, but, you know, same with food. Like, that's probably my third one. Quality of food. So quality of products feed, cycling, quality of products. So that's cleaning products, skin care, makeup, and then quality of food, you know, and it doesn't have to be certified organic, but it might just be making, or it should be making sure that you're washing your fruit and veg really, really well. Shopping at your local farmers market where you can, you know, really trying to stay away from the ultra processed foods. Like, you know, and, like, I just. I believe we vote with our dollar and, like, I just won't buy, you know, if we're out somewhere or we're at a party, whatever. But in my home, I'm not interested in supporting those food companies that are really putting things in our food that should be there.

Elise: So top 3%. You just need to take control of what you can at home and then sort of let go of the rest, you know, because you can't control it all, unfortunately, but you can just do your best.

Mel: Yep.

Elise: Well, thank you so much. If anyone wants to come and chat with you or find the seed cycle, where can they find you?

Mel: Yeah, so they can Instagram or TikTok the seed cycle and our website,

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