Inspiring Her

Home Reset Mini Series | It's Time to Declutter and Organise!

Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 19

Home Reset Mini Series | Let's Declutter and Organise!

In the 2nd episode of the home edit mini series im going to take you through my top steps to declutter and organise. It's not as overwhelming as you think. Let's go!

Step ONE -  Creating 3 boxes.. use plastic tubs if you like and label them THROW, DONATE, SELL. 

Step TWO - Sort! Over the next few weeks, as your tidying up or decluttering… BE RUTHLESS! Anything that you haven’t used in ages and in good condition, pop in the DONATE box. If its broken, ruined or just super old… put it in your THROW pile. Your SELL pile is for facebook marketplace, gumtree or buy swap sell groups. 

Step THREE - Do what the box says haha!

Step FOUR - Organise what is left. Use storage solutions, hooks and hangers, jars and anything Pinterest worthy that helps add some order to your space.

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Love and Light, Elise x

Hello, beautiful. I'm so excited because this is the episode of the Home edit mini series about decluttering and organizing, and I am geeking out on this stuff. Like, this is my passion. My home is like such a safe, beautiful, calm space when the kids aren't home, obviously. But generally, I pride myself on how my home looks and I love to continually do declutters and organize and cleans and presets and things like that. So this is episode two of the Home edit mini series. If you haven't listened to episode one, episode one was really about doing a home audit, and it was all about looking through your house room by room. How do you feel in those spaces? What is it that you would like to change? How can you create some vision through pinterest boards and really focus on the tasks that you want to get done? So this episode is diving more into the decluttering and organizing, and I just can't wait to share this with you. I am a minimalist. Like, hands down. If I didn't have kids who want to keep every single thing they've ever touched. Like, yesterday, I had Chloe at the shops and she had a baby chino, and then she wanted to bring it home. She wouldn't let me throw it in the bin. And when we came home, I got her distracted with something else. Put the baby chino cup and the straw in the bin, and she was having a meltdown because she wanted the straw from her baby chino. And I just. I just can't. Like, I'm the mom who I'll save their art that they bring home from school. I'll put it up on, like, the magnet board in the laundry for, like, a few days, and then I'll put it in the recycling bin, and they'll be saying, where's my drawing of this? And I'm like, I don't know. I don't know where that's gone. Anyways, you get the point. My mum is the complete opposite. She has just moved house and she is literally giving me things like the hand and decorated plates that I made when I was three years old. And I'm like, mom, I appreciate you keeping all of these things. Actually, I do appreciate those plates. They are really cute and I am so grateful for that. But she will keep, like, every single card from every single birthday, and I'm the complete opposite, which is just really funny. I try to keep my wardrobe to a more capsule style, although it really needs a redo, which I'm in the process of. And I'd love to know if you would like to hear more about how to set up and create a capsule wardrobe. So that could be really fun. So you get the idea. I am a minimalist. I want to share that with you. And we're going to focus on decluttering and organizing. So step one, before we do anything, and I think this is because in my area, when you book a council cleanup, you have to book three months ahead of time. So step one, what I want you to do is book a council cleanup. So you might be lucky enough to live in a space or an area where it comes consistently. Where I used to live in Crow's nest, I don't remember what I think it was like, the north shore. Shore. I don't remember what the actual shire was called. They would do one every fortnight. So on every off week, the council cleanup was with your rubbish. So you would put your bins out and you would put out anything that you wanted to throw out on the council cleanup, and they would pick that up once a fortnight. Whereas now I live in the Sutherland Shire and you're only allowed to do two a year and you have to book them like, three months in advance. So my step one is start by booking your council cleanup. Do it right now. Pause this episode, go and book it and come back. Now, the next step is going to help you by creating three boxes. So you might like to use those big plastic tubs if you like, and label them with throw, donate, and sell. So three boxes, one labeled throw, one labeled donate, and one labeled sell. Now, you got to make peace with the fact that they're going to be sitting around for a week or so, because as I discussed last episode, it is school holidays. You're just going to be working on these things. An hour here, an hour there, half an hour here, ten minutes there. So I want you to get used to the fact that you're going to have these three boxes sitting around, maybe just for the week. Give yourself a time limit because you don't want them sitting there for months. But just make peace with the fact that they're going to be sitting there for a little bit. My hot tip here is don't leave anything kid related that ends up in these boxes inside of the kids because they will decide it's their most favorite thing ever and take it out of the box and then you'll be back to square one. So either make sure if you're doing anything relating to like toy decluttering or kids clothes decluttering, that you end up actually getting rid of those straight away, like taking them to Vinnie's or taking them to a place where they recycle toys or clothes before the kids notice. So over the next week or next few weeks as you're tidying or decluttering, because you will find if you're working through the home edit mini series as well, that as you start to work through and focus on different rooms, you'll then probably bring up more tasks that you want to achieve. So leave your decluttering boxes kind of out so that you can access them easily. But I want to say, guys, take a tip from me and be ruthless. Anything that you haven't used in ages and it's in good condition, pop that in the donate box. If it's broken, ruined, or just really, really old, you're going to put that in your throwout pile. And that can either go in your bin if it fits or it can go in the pile for your council cleanup. Now, I like to have a little space as much as my husband hates it in the garage where I'll put things that I know I'm going to keep for the council cleanup. So anything that takes up way too much space in my bin, I'm going to add it to my pile in the garage. That's council cleanup. Your selling pile is for Facebook marketplace or buy swap sell groups. A mum friend of mine recently told me about this Instagram profile called Trading Instyle. I don't know if you've seen it, if you haven't and you're a designer, girly, you like designer things, you have to go follow it. Like, I don't own a designer handbag. It is on my dream list of things. I just. I just one day want it. I have been obsessed with fashion since I could draw fashion models, so having a designer piece like that would just be a dream come true. But basically, trading in style is an Instagram page and business that resells your designer and good quality clothes and accessories for you. So if you have some designer dresses, designer bags, designer shoes that you have had sitting in your wardrobe ages and you just haven't worn them and you want to sell them. This is a great way they make sure that everything's in really good quality. I'm not sure how much of a commission they take, but it. It is really helpful. So that selling pile, make sure it's things that are still really good quality and things that you know will be able to sell on. Now, the next part is really tricky. You know how in the last episode you created that Pinterest board, like vision board for your home? How you want to feel the things that you love? Well, anything that is not in line with your vibe, that clutters your space or brings you stress or is an eyesore, it needs to go. And you need to be ruthless. Because trust me, once you get rid of it, once you move on from it, you're going to feel so much calmer, your mind will be clearer. And thank you for a clearer space. So it doesn't mean necessarily that you have to buy something to replace it. In actual fact, I want you to try and focus on the fact that you're making things more minimal and getting rid of things, not replacing them. So I'm all about minimalism, creating space to breathe and be calm and enjoying the process and just enjoying the feelings of creating more space, creating tidy. There's something really therapeutic about getting rid of old things, too, that no longer serve you. So enjoy that feeling. Now that you've divided into those three boxes, it's time to look at what you've got left and organize it. I personally like looking like I live in a house from Pinterest, but that doesn't mean you have to organize everything the same way. So seriously, a clean out and reorganize is an amazing start. You don't have to go buying baths, baskets, and clear storage boxes if you don't want to, to reorganize, but also, if that's your vibe, do it. I recently created a snack cupboard for the kids in the pantry, and I went to Kmart and I bought heaps of storage boxes. And on the bottom shelf of the pantry, I made a space to put, like, chips. But I also put lots of healthy things. Like, I put mandarins in one, I put apples in one, I put rice crackers. We had all different things in there, but it just looks so nice when you open the pantry and all of the snacks are organized and easy for the kids to get to. So Kmart is such a winner. If you're organizing, they have, like, glass jars. If it's for your kitchen. I'm going to go there again when I'm reorganizing my wardrobe to look at options to help organize like my accessories in my wardrobe. I think they definitely have some shoe storage options and also some boxes where you can put things away seasonally. If you're doing a wardrobe, I find that helps. Like in winter I'll put away all my summer things into a plastic box and put it away and winter the opposite. I wanted to share with you some of my favorite organization hacks in case you just need some inspiration here. So my first one is back of door hooks or wall hooks. So this is just so cool. I've got this throughout my house and I actually had the builders do it during the build. I have hooks on the back of all the bedroom doors to put dressing gowns. I have bag hooks in the laundry butler's pantry for the kids to hang their jackets and school bags and they know that every day when they get home that's where they go and hang those things up. I think that it's just so helpful. I also have the sticky hooks in the cupboard where I store like the ironing board and I hang up all my aprons, things like that for cooking. So it's just really helpful and it helps organize things without everything being stuffed into a drawer or left laying on the floor. Some linen closet tips are always put your stack of sheets together in a set so that you can just easily grab out the fitted, the flat and the pillowcases together. I also like to keep my towels in set so I normally have two towels, a hand towel and then two face washers. I have a separate shelf for blankets and you can get baskets or storage tubs to put away summer sheets and swap over to winter sheets as well. I also will say here that I only have two sets of sheets maximum for each bed because I just feel like you don't need that many. And it does get tricky if you've got toddlers who are toilet training or touchwood. This doesn't happen to anyone. If gastro happens, that is not cool because then what happens is we'll end up having to put like queen sheets on the single bed or use towels, but that is very rare touch wood and I just feel like it helps declutter everything and it keeps what you have really accessible and it looks neat and tidy as well. In the pantry under the kitchen sink and toy baskets, you can get heaps of these storage options from Kmart. Another place would be Ikea, but I personally haven't been there for a long time, so I can't say how it's going for them at the moment, but you might love Ikea in the bathroom drawer dividers. My eleven year old daughter is all into organizing her skincare, her hair care, all of that. And she asked me to get these dividers from Kmart for the bathroom drawer, so they are really cool. There's definitely lots of organization things around at the moment. I think it's a bit of a buzz. It's a fun thing to do, and maybe if you've got older kids in these school holidays, you can also get them involved. So that is the episode about decluttering and organizing. Remember, if you're decluttering to divide into three boxes and be ruthless. So you've got a throwout pile, you have a donate pile, and you have a cell pile. And good luck. I can't wait. I hope that you succeed in your decluttering and your organization. Remember to take before and after photos because you will forget. For example, if you're cleaning out your pantry, take a before photo. Take a photo along the way when you've decluttered and then take a photo once you've reorganized. It will help you to be really proud of yourself and see what you've achieved and it will just be really cool. Share them with me. I love this stuff. Please send it to me on stories. I want to see what you've been doing. Good luck. Don't overwhelm yourself. Add each item to your ongoing home edit list in your notes on your phone, and don't forget to set yourself timers for small tasks rather than overwhelming yourself with a whole space at once. And I will see you next week for episode three, which is my top ten tips for a clean girl home. See you then.

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