Inspiring Her

Home Reset Mini Series | Let's do a Quick Home Style Audit

Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 18

Home Reset Mini Series | Let's do a Quick Home Style Audit

Welcome to my Home Reset Mini series, a series of 4 episodes that will take you through doing a home edit in the ways that I have used in my home over and over again. It is nice to do a home audit and style refresh seasonally. I hope this helps you to be inspired to elevate your living spaces. A home that has vibrant energy and is a space you love to be in, will ultimately help you to be the best version of yourself everyday!

In this episode we're focusing on three key steps:

  • 1. Creating a Home Reset Vision Board. Here's a link to mine if you like my style and not sure where to start - Elise Inspired Pinterest
  • 2. Making a Room by Room Audit List - what do you like about each room, how it makes you feel, what would you like to change?
  • 3. Create a New Note on your phone to list all the tasks you would like to achieve in the Home Reset series. You can list per room and focus on one room at a time.

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Love and Light, Elise x

This is the first episode of my Home edit mini series so I mentioned that I was going to be doing this little home edit mini series over the next few weeks while we are on school holidays here in New South Wales. I thought this is just the perfect time for us to all get into a little bit of a home declutter, a home refresh because your routines aren't so strict during the school holidays. So if you have kids who are at school and they're on holidays, I hope that this motivates you to get some things done around the house. But also you might not like to do it just yet. You might like to keep this in mind and maybe do this in spring after the crazy of winter and the cold has gone away. I have designed these short episodes to help you to be able to take small steps to really elevate your living space. So each episode has creative ideas and tips that is going to ignite your desire to create a home that really reflects your personal style and brightens your daily life. So things like decor changes, organization hacks, home care tips you'll find here in this little home edit mini series. This is really here to give you that motivation to turn your ideas into reality. Up leveling your home so it's not just functional, but also a space that you love and can't wait to be in every single day. I'm such a believer in creating the space that we want to be in to live our best selves. I feel like I personally can't do productive work if my house is messy. I can't relax if my kitchen is messy. Do you know what I mean? So I really do believe that the vibe that you create then goes on to give you the energy to show up as your best self. So I really hope that you feel that to your core too after doing these episodes to create that home refresh. If you're new to inspired to be, this is all about finding the inspiration to be your best self. So who is she? Who is the woman that you see yourself as? And what actionable steps can you take to get there, and it's about showing up in all aspects of your life, style, wellness, health, everything. So I'm hoping to just inspire you across all aspects. And this particular series is all about the home. So a bit of a background on why I love styling and interior design and keeping my home a space that is really calm and gives me such vibrant and to just go about my daily life. Simon and I have lived in so many different spaces together. Like when we moved in together, when we first started dating, we seriously moved in together after about six months of dating. And I was really adamant that I didn't want to move into his place because he already had a place. I wanted to start somewhere fresh. So we moved into somewhere, and then along the way, we moved into a few places. We went back to the place that he owned and gave it a bit of a refresh, and then we ended up moving out to the subway, where our families were. We gave that place a bit of a refresh. We've moved to an apartment in the city, and we did a lot of things to that. And then we moved overseas to London, where we lived in a few different places. Definitely picked up some style tips over there because it was so different and the home space was so different. I think I really picked up some organization and, like, storage tips over there because the spaces are so small. So I really had to keep everything to a minimal. And then coming back to Sydney, we obviously rented for a while, and then we decided to build our home. And I think this is where I really realized my passion for interior design. And we worked with an architect, a builder and an interior designer. But what I really loved was that I really led that whole process. And I basically drew my house from scratch with a pencil and some paper and sent that to the architect and said, this is exactly how I want it. Can you make the plans? And there was a lot of things that I changed along the way. And he also gave me suggestions, which was helpful. And then in terms of the interior designer, it was a lot of the things that I said, I want to incorporate this. I want to incorporate this. Or what do you think about this? And she would say, well, maybe let's not do that there because it'll look too over the top. But I definitely made last minute changes as well to incorporate certain things that I loved. And I'm just really so proud of myself about how it all came together. I genuinely love it. I also did during that time of building our dream home. Interested in home and style? You've probably heard of the three birds renovations? So I've done the three birds Renault school, which I just loved, and it definitely gave me some tips. And so I just, I love it. You would have seen on my Instagram and TikTok. I share a lot of things about home. It's my passion. I think if I could go back in time, I would probably finish my design degree because I did start one and probably become an interior designer or an architect. I think that was the intention back then, but never eventuated. And if I had my time again, that is probably what I would do. So for today's episode, we are going to start off with doing a quick home style audit. So I really think there's something unique about finding your style and then going through and evaluating each room in your space for its flow and how you actually live in it, what you love about it, and what you might like to change. Before you get started on anything, though, I'd really love you to create a vision board, an inspiration board that is your ultimate space. Like, what vibe does your space give off? So create a board on your Pinterest called home edit. Come back to it daily to inspire your vibe. Save it as your lock screen. I've saved one on my Pinterest. If you want to go on and have a look. I've saved one called the home edit. If you want some inspiration, if you like my style, you basically want to pin any inspiration in style or organization in vibes, colors that you love. Even search for aesthetic images of things you already have in your house. Because what I really want to do here is work with things you've already got. I don't want us to be having to go out and buy new furniture or buy many things. We want to kind of just elevate what we've already got. So buying new cushions or new sheets or new bedding or maybe a little bit of decor to go on some shelves or coffee tables might be a thing. But generally, let's work with the big pieces that you have. So, for example, if you have a beige linen bed, which I do, I would search on Pinterest for beige linen bed aesthetic. And it will bring up pictures of similar things to what you already have and give you ideas on how to style it or what colors might work with it. Save anything that you love and anything that kind of brings up a feel good feeling for you when you look at it. Save it to your vision board. Once you've created your home edit board on Pinterest, we're going to go through and make a room by room list. So go through and think about each room in your space, in your house, where you're living, your apartment, wherever you live, your townhouse. And how do you actually feel being each room? Your living room might feel really calming, but your kitchen might feel cluttered and overwhelming. Maybe every time you go to your linen closet, you feel absolutely disorganised and you can't find anything. Is there a space that has evolved, but you've never reorganized or changed it to suit where you're currently at? For example, your kids are a bit older and can probably move their toys to their bedrooms rather than all over the living room floor. This is recently a realization that I actually have. I realized that my kids were actually spending a lot of time role playing in their rooms when we were home. Like, they love going and setting up babies or barbies. Because I've got two girls, Zara is quite happy to play with the little ones, or they, they love playing mums and dads, and they'll be exploring through, like, their rooms and coming up to the office. So what I realized was they just weren't using any of the toys that we had in the living room anymore. What I did was take out all the toys from the living room. I put a select few toys that they do love playing with a lot down in a different room. And I then used that space where all the toys were to store, like the board games and more of the activity type things. So playing and toys has kind of evolved up to their bedrooms, and the living room space has kind of become more of like a family play space, if that makes sense. Makes sense where we'll play, like, different board games or build blocks, or more like activity based things. By thinking through each of these things and each of the spaces in your house, it's really going to help you decide where you want to focus your energy first. Because obviously we want this to be achievable. We don't want it to be like, oh, my gosh, I will never get through this. We want it to be room by room, just little tiny things that you can change. After you've created your list, find your focus where you really want to start working on first. Okay. Once you've done your room by room list, it's time to create a list of your home edit goals. Literally make a new note in your phone called home edit, and start adding to your list. Because what's going to happen is you're going to start thinking of new things and remembering new things. And it's really great to add them so that you don't forget. You might like to add subheadings to each room to break the lists into smaller, more actionable tasks. For example, you might want to declutter first. So declutter might be a subheading, and then you might want to style that might be a subheading. The next episode after this one is going to dive into more about decluttering, organizing. So I know a lot on your list will be to do with that. Decluttering, tidying, getting rid of things. So listen out for that episode if you need more inspiration in that particular area. Here's a little bit of what my list looks like so that you can get some ideas if you're also on the same page that I am. So under my living room, I have something that I've been meaning to do forever. It is steam my lounge. I wanted to get that Kmart Steam cleaner for $99, but it has sold out everywhere. But like all good things in Kmart, I know it's going to come back. So I'm keeping my eye on it. And that is on my list for the living room. Steam clean my lounge. So if you've had that Kmart cleaner, please let me know how it goes. I would love to try it. I also have washed living room cushion covers and throw blankets, change up coffee table centerpiece. And that's also going to be an episode that I'm going to be diving into later on in the series about how to style your coffee table and also how to style shells. The main things that I sort of the key points that I focus on to be able to style something to look really beautiful and welcoming. And also on my list for living room is reorganize and declutter my games cupboard. So I told you that we. We recently moved all of the games and activities to that covered. But I feel like it's just like, completely in a mess. So I need to reorganize and declutter it. The other space that is high on my list is my master bedroom and en suite. I've been meaning to do a shower deep clean. So that is on my list. My cleaners do come once a fortnight, but I feel like I really want to get in, remove the drains, and give them a deep, clean. Scrub the tiles because my tiles are the herringbone, really small tiles, so there's, like a lot of grout. I I also want to add a new fresh candle to my bathroom, change the bedding in my bedroom to winter bedding. So like adding a blanket, maybe changing it over to flannelette sheets. And I also want to use that state, that same Kmart steam cleaner, which I need to get my hands on to clean my bed base and my mattress. So those are the things that are on my goals list for those two rooms. So that might give you an idea of the type of things you might like to put on. As we go on into more episodes, you might like to add more to your list. So you probably think of more things. It'll just like, trigger that kind of thought process and your head will be in the home styling space. But I want you to make sure you also tick off tasks along the way, because celebrating your work is really important. You deserve to celebrate the little achievements, the little things that you've done. A great way to celebrate your hard work is to take before and after photos so you can see how different it looks. So if you're cleaning out your linen closet, it, for example, take a before photo because you won't remember how horrible it looks until after it's all reorganized. And then you can compare. Another big tip I have found helpful when cleaning, decluttering, reorganizing spaces is to set timers. Set a half an hour or a 1 hour timer assigned to a certain task, and go hell for lever because we know it's school holidays. Still, you can't. You're not going to have heaps of time to just spend a whole day cleaning and decluttering. But maybe you've been out in the morning, you can't home and need like two hour reset before you go on to your next thing. Don't overwhelm yourself with these tasks, guys, otherwise you won't even start. The goal here is to just stay simple and don't worry if you don't get it all done. It's basically just a ongoing list that you can come back to. And I think by doing your little home audit room by room, how you feel in that space, what you love, what you don't love, that's really going to help you focus on where you really want to focus your energy in the first instance. So do that. Create your Pinterest board that is also representative of the space you already have so that you're inspired to build on what you've got and not completely get rid of everything. I would love to know how you go with your home style audit. So send me a voice over on Insta. Ask me any questions. Please leave a review if you think this is a great idea or share it with some friends. Maybe you can all get on the train together and set it as a bit of a challenge within your friend group and send me pictures I want to see. I love this stuff. This stuff lights me up. Send me your before and afters because that would be really fun. So I hope you enjoyed this first episode. Enjoy your little audit and your room by room list and your vision Pinterest board. The next episode will be on Wednesday and it is all about decluttering and organizing. Some tips that I've picked up, some ways that you can do it, and basically just some motivation to be ruthless. So look forward to that one and I'll see you then. 

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