Inspiring Her

GLOW UP your Self Esteem in 1 week! | 5 WAYS you can elevate your self love journey this week.

Elise Ingegneri Season 2 Episode 15

GLOW UP your Self Esteem in 1 week! | 5 WAYS you can elevate your self love journey this week.

Boosting your self-esteem in a week can be challenging, but with some little tweaks and the right tips, you can make some awesome changes that will bring your glow back. 
Here are some of my fave tips to help you:

1. Practice Self-Compassion

Switch those negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your achievements. No shaming or guilting! Understand that everyone makes mistakes. Treat yourself with the same kindness you do your friends.

2. Set Small, Achievable Goals & To-Do Lists

Create a list of small tasks to complete each night, for the following day. Achieving these will give you a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence. Celebrate when you reach your goals and tick off tasks on your list.

3. Move your Incredible Body!

Movement improves your mood and reduces anxiety. Even a short walk or sttetch class will release endorphins and make a difference. Yoga can help you feel more centered and positive about yourself.

4. Connect with Positive People

Spend time with friends or family members who uplift and encourage you. Minimize catch ups with people who bring you down or criticise you. Think about who you feel like you can be YOU around.

5. Personal Care and Pamper-Time

Take time to do things you enjoy and that make you feel good, like taking a relaxing bath or reading a good book. Personal care looks differnet for everyone so do what makes you feel calm, relaxed and rejuvenated.

Enjoy beauties, you deserve to feel amazing. Hope this helps remind you of the tiny habits you can practice to feel good this week.

Things I mentioned in today's episode

My FAVE book from Brianna Wiest right Now: This is How You Heal

Easy and Achievable To-Do Lists Episode HERE

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Love and Light, Elise x

I woke up feeling really blah and I know that you totally get it because some days we all wake up feeling that way. But what I couldn't understand is that I've finished my period and I feel like it should be this week where I'm feeling really inspired, really ready to tackle everything. Talk to everyone. You know how if you're someone who tracks your cycle, I definitely feel like there is this clear definition between the different phases and I feel my lull probably like two weeks before I get my period, but normally to the back end of my period. And afterwards I start feeling like so energized and I'm full of ideas and I'm ready to do all the fitness classes and do all the things. But today when I woke up I just felt like really exhausted and I just didn't want to do anything. I had a Pilates class booked for 1030. I had a catch up with a friend organised this morning and I just felt like cancelling everything. But you know what? I didn't. I knew that by showing up for the things that I had already confirmed, I would feel better. I knew that going to the Pilates class would release the endorphins, get me feeling amazing. I knew that catching up with this particular friend would really light me up and enhance my creative spirit. So I wanted to come on today and talk to you about how you can glow up your self esteem within the week, especially if you're having one of those weeks where you're feeling really blah. And I'm going to share with you my five top tips to elevate your self love journey this week. If you haven't already listened to my episode from Monday, my inspired moment from Monday, I'll highly recommend that you go on over and listen to that because that was sort of along the lines of thinking about a MiDi reset. So you may have set goals and intentions in the beginning of the year and you're now feeling like, what the hell? How did six months passed? How is there only six months to go? So I highly recommend going and listening to that if you need a little bit of a boost in that area. But this episode is more focused on self esteem, self love. When you feel like you're in a bit of a rut or you're just feeling like a bit of a lull, it could be just a daily thing. Maybe you are expecting yourself to feel really energized and ready to go get up and go and deliver all these things. And, you know, you've got all these plans, and you just need to get yourself out of that negative mindset and focus on what you enjoy and looking after yourself and bringing your self esteem back up a level. So these are the things that have really worked for me, and I just wanted to share them with you because today, for example, they really helped. Right now, I am feeling so inspired, so uplifted, so connected from my friendships, and proud of myself for showing up for me in exercise, healthy eating, things like that. So here we go. I wanted to start by saying that boosting self esteem, especially if you want to do it in a week like this, and obviously it's a continual thing, but I think sometimes you need just that shorter timeframe to give you a focus. It really can be challenging. But I think the thing here is consistency and self discipline. And when I self say self discipline, I don't mean it in a horrible way. I mean just taking notice of those thoughts or those moments where you might be self sabotaging and just pushing yourself over the line to do the thing that you know will help look after your future self. The first one is practice self compassion. Now, this is hard. I get it. When you're feeling really down, you can definitely start to have this negative thought process. I'm feeling really ****. I should just have a day off. I should just, like, not talk to anyone. No one's gonna want to be around me today. I'm not gonna do my best in that gym class. My mind feels really blah. I'm not gonna show up and work really well. But I think, give yourself some compassion. Practice positive self talk. When those thoughts come in, really focus on replacing those negative thoughts with positive, positive affirmations and reminding yourself of your strengths and your achievements. So, for example, if you wake up and you're like, I just am feeling horrible, and I just don't want to exercise today. I'm all for taking those moments, especially if you have. You can feel it in your body that you need a break. That is 100% true. But maybe you've been taking those breaks too often. And you know what? It's time to just look after your future self and say, you know what? I am worthy and I'm good enough to go to this exercise class even though I'm not feeling my strongest, I'm not feeling my fittest. Do you know what I'm going to do for myself? I'm going to show up today. I'm going to move my body in a way that feels good for me. I'm going to chat to the trainer beforehand and say I found it really hard to get here today, but I'm just here, so please. I'm just going to be doing the minimum things. I just want to move my body gently. Self compassion can really help lift you up. Remind yourself that, you know what, I had a busy weekend and I am a little bit tired. So I'm going to take it slow today. I am going to catch up with my friend, though, because I know that that is going to be a point of connection for me. I'm going to feel loved, connected. I can talk about things that maybe are on my heart that feel heavy and we can share that and bond over that and then I'll feel better for it. Not putting any shame or guilt on yourself, not making yourself feel guilty that you feel yucky. I find this really hard because I almost feel like when you feel down and you're not in this like heightened state of positivity all the time, it's so easy to be like, what is wrong with me? And coming from a place of that. I have been diagnosed with depression in the past. I think that it is so easy to go down that path of shaming yourself and guilting yourself that you're not good enough. But you know what? Just take a moment and remind yourself that we all make mistakes. Maybe you've gotten angry at someone this morning and you don't feel good about it. Just remind yourself, it's okay. You're human, they're human, we're all human. And you're allowed to make mistakes and you're allowed to be kind to yourself. And you're allowed to treat yourself with the same kindness that you would offer to your friend. So just take a moment and say, it's okay. I'm allowed to go through this. I'm allowed to have these feelings and I can now apologize to myself, to that person, whatever the situation is, and move on from it. That is in the past and I'm going to focus more on the present. So number one was practise self compassion. Number two is one that I love. I just love this setting small achievable goals. Now, I know if you've listened to my to do list episode, I talk about this, but there's something really great about having a big to do list, which I love making the night before. I literally have a note in my phone that says tomorrow. And every night I go in there and I write down all the things that I have to do that's on my mind that I need to get done tomorrow. And then what you can do is halve that list, get rid of half of it, move half of it to the next day, a few days away, whatever. Then you can start to focus on the smaller, more achievable goals that you need to complete every day. That's going to help you feel like you are achieving and you're successful and you're getting through things. But if you set this huge to do list that you just can never achieve, that is going to not be great for your self esteem. You are going to be reminding yourself constantly, I can't do it, I can't get through it. But if you reduce it and allow yourself to have these smaller goals that are more easily achievable, you're going to start being confident. You're going to start feeling like I did it today. I ticked everything off my to do list. How good is that? Achieving these little goals and like ticking off these little things on your lists really do bring a sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence. So I would say this is a really big one. So if you know that tomorrow is like you're going to be in meetings all day, you've got deadlines, just put that on your to do list. Have meeting about, blah, complete this deadline. Maybe it's reply to however many emails and know that if you haven't got to that by the end of the day, that you could maybe put an hour aside after the kids go to bed to complete that task for me today on my to do list was to record this podcast and I literally have a 45 minutes window right now before I need to go and take the kids to some appointments. And I was like, I'm gonna show up for myself. I'm gonna tick this off my list. That 45 minutes window I could have fluffed around. I could have done little bits of house cleaning, but by me doing this now, I can tick it off my list. I know that then tonight I can sit down and edit for an hour after everyone has gone to bed and it's calm in the house. And that means that I can tick off my to do list for today. That was record podcast for Wednesday. So that's just an idea of what I mean when I say achievable goals and finding little pockets of time in the day where you can achieve them and then feel accomplished. If you want more information or like more guidance on the to do list, then definitely go listen to that previous podcast about that. Cause I personally find it really helpful. But just remember, make your to do list and your goals and items on the to do list small. And when you write down a bit of a brain dump the night before of everything you've got to get done, halve it and think realistically about your day the next day so that you're setting yourself up for success. My third tip for helping that self love and self confidence and self esteem is doing some type of movement. And I've spoken about this before and exactly the example I gave today where I just felt like cancelling that pilates class. But I knew, I know deep down in my soul that if I go, I will feel better for it. And that's scientifically proven that if you do a form of physical activity, activity, you will release endorphins and you will feel good for it. But you don't have to be doing that high intensity HIIT class or going for an hour run. You can still get those benefits from doing a 15 minutes walk around the block. Is it sunny outside today? Go outside, get some of that beautiful vitamin D and go for a 15 minutes walk. You can pop on a 15 minutes podcast, whatever you like, but doing some type of physical activity or movement, it really will improve your mood. It helps to reduce your anxiety or your worry worries. It really helps. Just let those thoughts flow if you want to take it further. You can even just not listen to anything. That was something really challenging that I found is sometimes going on a walk with nothing, no earpods, no phone, just going and being with your own thoughts, you'll be surprised at how challenging that really can be, but actually how awesome it is. So that might be something that you could try. So this week, what physical movement activities have you got planned? Can you have a look at your week and maybe just fit in three? Could you fit in a walk here? Could you go to a fitness class with a friend? You know, what can you do this week that you'll be proud of yourself? Your body will be thankful for a little bit of movement? Maybe it's a yoga class. I really love to do a slow yoga class on those weeks where I'm feeling a little bit not great in myself, because it does. You feel stretched. You feel like good. All those endorphins keep flowing. So number three was doing some type of movement to help release those endorphins and make your body feel good. Number four is connection, connection, connection, connection. This is such a big one. I don't know. I feel like this can be really hard if you're an introverted person. And would you believe that I am an introverted person? I had a friend message me the other day, and we were talking about, I don't know, being introverted and extroverted. And she said, I know someone who's really extroverted on the messages and on socials, but in real life, they're very introverted. And she meant me. So that is me on messages. On socials, I can come across really extroverted. Like, I love having a chat, but unless I know you really, really well, in real life, I am nervous to go up to people. I'm nervous to create new friendships even though I want to. I'm nervous to be the one to go on over and start the conversation. What I'm learning is connecting with positive people and allowing new people to come into your life. Trusting that the universe, God, spiritually, whoever you believe in, has your back and is going to bring you to the right relationships at the right time is so wonderful. This is also thinking about who you feel good about spending time with. Over the next week, just really notice who you catch up with. How do you feel when you leave? Do you want to spend more time with them? Do you think you could start to leave some more time between your catch ups? This morning I caught up with a friend who just. We're on the same wavelength with health, wellness. Our lifestyles are very similar, and it's really hard for our schedules to align, to be honest, because we're both doing different things. We both have three kids. It's, like, quite overwhelming. But when we do finally catch up, we literally could sit there and talk for 4 hours. We have the best time. And I just feel so uplifted by our conversations. I think those type of people, that connection where you feel like you can truly be yourself is so important. Someone where when you're going through something, you feel like you can be vulnerable with them and they will listen. Someone who is interested in the things that you're interested in, is it health and wellness? Is it exercise? Is it that you have children the same age and also be aware of that one person doesn't have to be everything. You're allowed to have different friends, you're allowed to have different family members who fit into different avenues of your life. One thing that I've learned recently is that my husband doesn't have to be everything. I think I started to really resent my husband because he wasn't showing up the way that my girlfriends were showing up for me, but he's my husband. So where are your expectations with connection? And where do you find positivity with connection as well? If you haven't got anything organized this week to connect with someone, maybe just set something up. Can you fit in a coffee with a friend? Could you organise a last minute girls dinner? Maybe a date night with hubby, or even a one on one time with your kids? That can be really beautiful as well. So connect with people that make you feel positive. That will be really inspiring for your self love, self esteem and self confidence, because you're going to come away from that catch up and that connection feeling like I can just be myself and I love that about me. I can be myself and I am loved and I just love being that person. So really think about connecting with positive people. Who do you feel your best self with? Because those are the people you should be spending more time with, because they are going to reassure you and you're going to realize that you are amazing and you can just be you. My fifth tip today is to focus on personal care. Now, I talk about this all the time, but I don't know if you're like me and you just love hearing something over and over again. Maybe it didn't click with you the first time, maybe you're hearing it now for the 10th time and you're like, oh, yeah, I need to really do that. So, personal care, eating habits, you know, I'm all about the whole foods, focusing on where you can make tiny switches. Maybe you love having that dessert at night. Can you switch it to a healthy treat option that you make yourself so you still get that sweet treat, but it's going to be more wholesome and better for your body. These are all things that also come down to self discipline. Getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, doing movement, feeling good, you know, that overall sense of well being. But you're the only one who can make the change. You're the only one who can set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier and actually get up when it goes off. You're the only one who can set yourself a goal of drinking two litres of water and actually drink the water. You're the only one who can say, tonight I'm going to go to bed at 09:00 p.m. so I can get up at 05:00 a.m. but you're the only one who can actually go to bed at 09:00 p.m. do you know what I mean? So what are your goals? Where are the things that you want to show up for your personal care and how can you make sure that you do them? Give yourself a little bit of self discipline. Because you know what? On the back of self discipline is achievement. It's showing up for yourself. And it's realizing that, yes, I am worthy to show up for myself. Pampering yourself is also in this personal care category. And I love a good pamper sesh. A good glow up sesh. You know what? I want to do a podcast in how you can glow up in one night. So all the things that you could do in one night to give yourself a bit of a glow up and feel refreshed the next day. And I'm not just talking about physical things, I'm talking about mental well being as well. So I'm going to that'll be a fun episode. Let's do that soon. So that'll come out soon because I think that'll be really great. But taking time to do things that you enjoy and that make you feel good, like a relaxing bath or of course, reading a good book. I'm actually reading another one of Brianna Wiest's books at the moment and it's called how to heal, I think. Or when you're ready to heal or something, I'll put the link in the show notes. And I'm really loving it because not only am I trying to read it half an hour before I want to go to sleep, and it helps me get into that really like, tired state. It's such a gentle way to kind of notice habits or triggers that might be stopping you from healing or going to a deeper level within yourself. So I'm really, really loving it. And that is something that I would put under my personal care tip. It can even be little things like putting on eye mask while you're cooking dinner or a face mask for 15 minutes while you're cooking dinner. Just little things that you're going to show up for yourself. Maybe you can put on a fake tan that make you feel a bit more glowy and feel good about yourself. And it doesn't have to be those type of things. It can be sitting down and having a cup of tea with hubby and just talking about your dreams and visions. Maybe it's making a vision board on Pinterest and just dreaming for a moment, just sitting in that, like, dream, that manifestation. Those things are personal care. It's good to sit with yourself and think about the future and just dream a little bit for no reason. Those things are really beautiful. So whatever personal care looks like for you, I mean, you know what it is. What makes you feel good, what makes you feel nurtured and happy and calm, it's those type of things. So just notice, just think about the personal care things that maybe you could put into practice this week. And I guarantee you guys, if you look over these five tips and really start putting them into practice this week, it's not too hard. I know you can do it. So one, practice self compassion. Notice when those negative thoughts come in and try and switch them to positive affirmations and give yourself kindness. Don't shame yourself, don't guilt yourself. Just give yourself a moment and try and flip your thinking. Your small to do list. Keep to small achievable goals so you can feel like you have a sense of accomplishment and that will help boost your confidence engaging in some type of movement. Do that. Schedule it in if you haven't got it already and show up for yourself. Do it. Trust me, the endorphins will come and you will thank yourself. Connection. Who can you connect with this week? Or where do you have things organized that maybe you don't want to show up for? Rethink that. What makes you feel good? Who is positive? Who do you leave feeling uplifted and the last one focusing on your personal care. So what types of things could you maybe do tonight, this week, every day to show up for yourself and give yourself some little love. I know that putting these things in practice will just help you have a little bit of glow up to your self esteem, a little bit of a boost. If you're feeling like me and you felt like in a little bit of a blast state when you woke up today, then definitely start to think about these things and show up for yourself. You deserve it. You are wonderful. And I just know by putting some of these strategies into your daily routine, you'll start seeing an improvement and you'll start seeing a rise in your self esteem within the week. Consistency, consistency, guys, even just tiny changes, little habits stack. They can make a huge impact on how you feel and how you perceive yourself. So just go for it. You deserve it. Thanks for listening to this episode of inspired to be. I hope you're feeling motivated and ready to take on your day. If you enjoyed our chat today, please take a moment to leave a review and share the love. Your feedback means the world to me and helps me reach more amazing girlies just like you. Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode. Until next time, stay inspired and of course, keep shining bright.

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Elise Ingegneri